Online Classes
Good Dog - Online Course
Following HUGE success of our lockdown online classes, we thought it made perfect sense to launch the Good Dog - Online Course, a six week course for you and your pup.
The six week course takes just a 5 min commitment from doggy parents each day to to teach your dog all the skills necessary to thrive with their human families.
Dogs don’t come knowing the key skills needed to be a Good Boy or Girl and just like young children, they need teachers to show them the way.
Over the six week course you will learn how to teach your dog how to be the goodest boy or girl your family could wish for including:​
Sit & Stay
Sitting and staying when asked.
Settling and chilling when asked.
Coming back even with fun distractions around.
Don't Pull
Walking nicely on the lead, without pulling.
Being the best & fastest dog at fetch.
Leave it
Leaving even the tastiest temptations alone.
Listening to your every word, like a good dog.
Doing simple tricks to impress their human families.
The six week course has been split down in to 5 minute exercises for you to work through daily, so if you think this sounds like something you and your pup would enjoy, click below to sign up! All members will be added to the private Facebook Group for additional support. If you would like to give as a gift please click here to contact us direct and you will be sent an access code